Dancing With Change
Sometimes you think you know
exactly where you're headed.
You've got a plan, a map.
Everything's under control.
There is no room for surprise in your neatly ordered life.

And then something happens. . .
a dream
a flash of insight
a yearning for something new
a falling off the precipice
when walking too close to the edge
a resistance so strong to something
that Spirit forces the issue
And then
before you know it

Everything is altered
in the blink of an eye.
And ready or not,
you're dancing with change.
Thanks so much for checking up on me...real life is super busy for me through June. My blog life has suffered tremendously...lol. I hope to get back in the groove again in July. I'm sure I've missed some wonderful posts/pictures/words here at your blog, and I hope to catch up one day soon!
Have a wonderful week~~
And in those moments you clearly understand, "planning" is not much more than whistling in the dark.
Reading your words on this post made me silent. Oh my God you hit the nail on the head here for me.
How wonderful some can put into words what swirls in my mind.