
Showing posts from July, 2012

Postcards from Paradise: My Home Turf

A peek at my favorite farmer's market Seattle's famous Pike Place Market for Postcards from Paradise . . . 

Share the Joy: The Pull of Passion

I love the pure joy of following my passions where they lead me. . . whether it’s collecting quotes that inspire me, (or even better yet, creating a collage using those quotes) listening to my favorite music, watching The Newsroom or Smash, or spending time outdoors on a sunny day. Where are you finding JOY? To play along, 1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy. 2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name. 3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link) to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list so that people are enticed to visit your blog. If you just can't get it to work, send me the info and I'll try to link it for you. 4. Visit other players -- as many as possible -- and let their joy infect you. Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS getting positive feedback. Let's start an epidemic of joy!

The Path with Heart

There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take the one with a heart. -            Lao Tzu

Thinking Abstractly

Sometimes only an abstraction comes to mind. "Spinning Into Oblivion" created by MeriMagic on Polyvore

Share the Joy: Summer Color

It’s summer and my garden is showing off. It’s ablaze with color. Daylilies, hydrangeas, Oriental lilies and  even some daisy-like flowers galore. And right now, though they're a little past their prime,  I’m getting a pop of JOY From my poppies. Where are you finding your JOY? To play along, 1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy. 2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name. 3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link) to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list so that people are enticed to visit your blog. If you just can't get it to work, send me the info and I'll try to link it for you. 4. Visit other players -- as many as possible -- and let their joy infect you. Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS getting positive feedback. Let's start an epidemic of joy!

Share the Joy: Blessings

One of the best ways to increase  your JOY quotient is to Here are some of mine 1.     a roof over my head and plenty of food 2.   kids that I like as well as love 3.    talking to my Mom every few days 4.   ditto for my Dad 5.   family and friends to love and be loved by 6.   a never-ending stream of creativity 7.    blog buddies 8.    the new HBO series “The Newsroom,”  smartly written by Aaron Sorkin 9.    “Imagine Whirled Peace” Ben & Jerry’s ice cream 10.  movies at Grand Cinema 11.    my spiritual community 12.  being able to make a difference  in the world by being myself Come to think of it – not only are these blessings, each of them brings me joy. What’s your source of JOY? To play along, 1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy. 2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name. 3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link) to c

Share the Joy: Fireworks

It always gives me a jolt of JOY to watch colorful fireworks displays. What’s your JOY source this week? To play along, 1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy. 2. Capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name. 3. Then click the NEXT box (or the link) to choose an image from the post to hook to Mr. Linky's list so that people are enticed to visit your blog. If you just can't get it to work, send me the info and I'll try to link it for you. 4. Visit other players -- as many as possible -- and let their joy infect you. Leave them a comment, because everyone enJOYS getting positive feedback. Let's start an epidemic of joy!

Postcards from Paradise: Shopping

I’m an introvert, so the crush of family at a 4-day reunion can be exhausting for me. Too many people in the tipi, so to speak. We often don’t have enough in common to keep the conversation lively. And while I’d be perfectly happy spending a whole weekend with my nose in a book (even reading aloud if someone will listen), or just sitting outside and sipping a cup of chai, it’s really not polite. What my family – at least its female members – really loves to do is shop. I can do that. Especially jewelry. For other stuff, buying is optional. This, by the way, is jewelry designed by my sister-in-law. It's incredibly beautiful and affordable too. I snagged a necklace of graduated-sized amazonite beads with silver fittings and matching earrings for $45 at the Saturday market in Joseph, Oregon. It felt like highway robbery! You can email her ( I'm sure she