The Soundtrack of Falling in Love

What a strange thing divorce is. It terminates the legal construct called "marriage," but it fails to sever the string of memories you carry around, memories tucked neatly away in some mental suitcase until something unpacks them. Yesterday, I was sitting in Jason's hair studio, sipping tea and watching the "trim" turn into a major shearing, when the oldies station played this piece of Fleetwood Mac history. And the memories of falling in love and its particular soundtrack came flooding back. There was a little bar across the street and down the block from the law school. It was a bit schizophenic: a lunchtime hangout for law students and professors, an after-shift blue collar bar, and a post-class study place for night law students after the doors were officially locked for the night. There was a jukebox, playing through all the changes in the cast of characters. Some of the songs it played are forever embed...