
Showing posts from May, 2015

True Words Tuesday: Lost and Found

Stop waiting around for someone to love you back. If he won't commit, if you can't count on him, if he betrays you, if he doesn't keep his promises, cut him loose. No matter how hard it seems at the time, you'll be better off. The YOU who is you at the core, your soul you, will applaud you for taking a stand, for asserting your right to be loved  by someone worthy of your love and attention. She's waiting. . . . for you to discover what you've been missing.

This Time Last Year. . . .

This time last year, I took a road trip to Pullman, to the Washington State University campus. I wanted to view some documents and photographs  in the manuscript collection. In some ways, it was a walk down memory lane, not just because the documents related to my family's history as pioneers in the Washington Territory, but because the library is just a stone's throw from where I lived in my freshman year, my "wheat country" experience, before I came to my senses and back to civilization & Seattle to graduate from the University of Washington. After seeing what I'd come to see, I jogged off the highway and took some backroads to see what I could see. The answer was traces of the past. ©2014 Meri Arnett-Kremian Things abandoned. ©2014 Meri Arnett-Kremian Things collapsed. ©2014 Meri Arnett-Kremian It made me remember that permanence is an illusion, that everything changes, that certain