At the Seattle Art Museum's Sculpture Park,
there is great concern about preservation of art pieces,
seeing as how they're largely outdoors,
with no museum staff to watch over them 24/7.
So there are signs reminding visitors

And I understand completely.
But those prohibitions made me think about touch generally
and loving touch more specifically.

holding hands
cuddling like spoons in a drawer
gentle little caresses to the cheek
pats on the behind
and to quote Crash Davis in Bull Durham
"long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days"
Oh my.
We needn't go farther.
I'm feeling faint already.
I may swoon.
And so in honor of sensual touch,
I figured an alteration to those warning signs
was definitely in order.

But then I'm always looking for signs.
and kisses that last for 3 days...that's what I'm shooting for next weekend when I get to see my hubby for the first time in 4 weeks :)