Is Anyone Out There?
I've noticed, as I age, that women past their forties become more or less invisible (unless they're a Christie Brinkley or other beautiful former super model who hasn't gained an ounce of weight), at least in American culture. Many men of a certain age seem to be drawn to women who are, shall we say delicately, not age appropriate. . . . twenty, even thirty years younger than they are. But for the most part, younger men would never think of dating a woman twenty years older even ten years older than they are unless there was a financial benefit involved. (And yes. . . I know that Keanu Reeves lusted after Diane Keaton -- who pined after Jack Nicholson -- but that, my friends, was a movie after all.) I've felt invisible for a long time out in the world, no longer a magnet for mens' glances. It's a relief in some ways. . . not having to be fetching all the time in order to comport with the way men ...