Book Club & Sunset

My book club met last night
at Monica's house on Raft Island.

As usual, there was great discussion about
the current selection (Russo's Empire Falls)

and we made our choice of new selections
for August and September

and we had just the teensiest bit of conversation about
marriages falling apart after years and years
and how disorienting it is
and how the wives keep hoping against hope
it's just a phase he'll grow out of,
that he'll see the error of his ways.

But the most spectacular part of the evening
(besides touring Monica's garden and viewing
Miriam's husband's pottery yard art via the web)

was the view from Monica's deck
toward the west
as the sun was setting
a few minutes after nine.

I just had to capture the color
to share with you.

The back of Monica and Pete's house
faces west toward the Olympic Mountains.

The body of water, for those of you not from around here,
is Puget Sound.

It's salt water and if you follow the Sound
north via boat and then jog west
through the Straits of Juan de Fuca,
you'll find the Pacific.

Of course most of the pleasure craft around here
find Puget Sound a perfect place to play --
no ocean going needed.

And with sunsets like this
and placid waters, it's easy to see why
(although there wasn't much wind
to fill the sails of wind-powered vessels)

All in all,
it was quite an evening.

p.s. The photos are shown in the order
that they were taken. I didn't increase the saturation --
but I did have my Canon Powershot SX200
on the sunset setting which keeps the colors intense.
The fourth one (with the sailboat) was shot looking off
to the east, so its colors are largely
in the amethyst and inky colors of dusk.


Anonymous said…
those sunset views are breathtaking! wow!!!
georgia b. said…
oh, my! those sunset shots are amazing! i am getting ready to post some myself—hopefully tonight.

thanks for stopping by my blog. i'm glad you did, so that i could discover yours and your photos!
poefusion said…
Hello Meri~ Where to begin. I've not read the book Empire Falls but I loved the movie when It aired on HBO. I couldn't help wanting to cry for those teenagers being attacked by that poor boy. I also felt for him because he was treated so badly. So, is the book as good?

When you finish reading your August book pick I would love to know what you thought about it. I've picked up the book about three times now and still haven't bought it.

Lastly, that sunset is stunning, breathtaking, spectacular. Wow~

Hope all is well. Have a great day.
beautiful photos. Whenever i come visit you here I get a wave of homesickness for PNW. I sent a link to my husband to see the sunset over the mountains. I know he misses that view too.
thanks for sharing the beauty in your life
ELK said…
that is a wonderful sunset ...and to share it with friends is icing on the cake!
What an adorable image--the third angel curled up on a plum-colored velvet couch with wings draping down! You are making me want to get back to my book club, too, Marion. They bring things out of you that might not ordinarily occur to you. The sunset is breathtaking: my favorite photo is the top one, but I also like the gamma-brilliant-orange one, too.
Bee said…
Do you often get sunsets like this? I was just knocked out by these exquisite photographs.

I loved Empire Falls -- a really memorable book. Your new choices look good, too, and in a comfortable territory between highbrow and lowbrow.
OMG those photos are amazing. our bookgroup locations are so pedestrian in comparison.

empire falls - what a great book! although I read it without the benefit of my bookgroup.

we have our selection meeting coming up in september so I'm busily making a pile for my suggestions - and on my pile is the potato peel the idea of a book composed of letters...

you do live in my idea of nirvana...I must get a trip out this fall! been too long (since april 2006, to be exact and to think I used to go out a minimum of once a year) ah.... time just goes by too fast these days, and other places also start popping up as destinations.

sorry to read of disintegrating relationships.... hmmmm you raise a whole set of interesting conundrums "phase" "grow out" "seeing"....hmmmm hummmm
Jennifer said…
These are stunning photos, Meri. Sunset setting, huh? I didn't know about that, and I wonder if I have one, too. I often find that my photos don't quite measure up to the real thing.
Delwyn said…
Hello Meri

These are just wonderful...fancy seeing this sunset every night from your friend's place...

I find the camera sometimes takes consecutive pics with quite different colours - I wonder why?

What do you think about the
canon SX 1 IS
0r Canon SX 10 IS?

I am trying to decide - I am heading towards a compact rather than SLR at this time.
My snapper is a fuji but the canon gets a better review in the compact category with 20x zoom.

Happy Days
deb did it said…
oh Meri,

I remember those sunsets lasting forever when I lived in Bellingham. Thank you for sharing the rapid change of colors, as it gets richer and deeper every moment!
Lynne said…
enjoy the Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie.... it was one of the first books I bought for my kindle and I loved it. Definitely a keeper!
rebecca said…
you take me places...
places that sweep me away.
Reya Mellicker said…
Wow! The water is liquid gold. Incredible.

Happy 4th, Meri!
Relyn Lawson said…
OH, I do so long for a bookclub like this to be a part of. And, if one of had a view like that - all the better! So glad you had such a wonderful night.
these are beautiful....oh goodness really beautiful...

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