Self-Portrait Wednesday: Spirit Guides
Me (on writing in and out of "flow"):
Sometimes, while writing in a kind of
out of body experience, words come together
in a magical way and when I come back into my self,
I'm amazed at what formed in my absence.
At other times, I feel like Hansel and Gretel,
dropping words to mark my path
and hoping I find my way back home someday.

Do your spirit guides ever get so frustrated with you
for not getting the message they're trying to impart
that they speak out loud to you in a booming voice?
Mine did once.
In the middle of the night, when I was all alone.
I don't know his name, but I call him
"The Emphatic One."
He pronounced:
The ability to evoke emotion with the written word
is a gift. Quit squandering it!
I guess drafting legal pleadings didn't count.
What gifts did you come in with
that you aren't making full use of?
Do you think you might be depriving the world
of something special that you, and only you,
might offer?
Think about it.
Figure out a plan for using your gift
before your spirit guide has to raise his voice with you.
Sometimes, while writing in a kind of
out of body experience, words come together
in a magical way and when I come back into my self,
I'm amazed at what formed in my absence.
At other times, I feel like Hansel and Gretel,
dropping words to mark my path
and hoping I find my way back home someday.

Do your spirit guides ever get so frustrated with you
for not getting the message they're trying to impart
that they speak out loud to you in a booming voice?
Mine did once.
In the middle of the night, when I was all alone.
I don't know his name, but I call him
"The Emphatic One."
He pronounced:
The ability to evoke emotion with the written word
is a gift. Quit squandering it!
I guess drafting legal pleadings didn't count.
What gifts did you come in with
that you aren't making full use of?
Do you think you might be depriving the world
of something special that you, and only you,
might offer?
Think about it.
Figure out a plan for using your gift
before your spirit guide has to raise his voice with you.