A Belated Fourth of July Post
It isn't just on the Fourth of July
that boats in marinas all over Puget Sound
hoist the Stars & Stripes.

But today's a nice day
for a reflection on freedom
and constitutional rights
separation of church and state
and the liberty inherent in being able to
express divergent views without being shot
or "disappearing" or being tortured
or having your blog shut down.
that boats in marinas all over Puget Sound
hoist the Stars & Stripes.

But today's a nice day
for a reflection on freedom
and constitutional rights
separation of church and state
and the liberty inherent in being able to
express divergent views without being shot
or "disappearing" or being tortured
or having your blog shut down.
this is a very good shot...one for a magazine I think...
Happy days
A great shot and great thoughts.
your "much older" brother
and great thoughts