Jack Benny stopped counting birthdays at 39.
Saying he was 39 got laughs. Forty wasn't as funny.

Age is a touchy subject. Now I'll only admit to being
"of a certain age." People can interpret that however they want.
But when I think back,
30 was magical, sensual, sultry, powerful.
40 entitled me to say, "I'm too old for this shit"
so it wasn't as bad as I'd feared, anticipating the big 4-0.
And I'd already had my 50th when I got carded
by a wait person who was really amazed
when she checked my ID and said, "No way!"
THAT, my friends, was a great day.
So yeah, I'm over 50 and still full of sass.
What was your favorite age?
What made that year so special?
Tell me about it.
It becomes me...
At 20 I had already been married for a year and thought I could tackle the world
At 30 I had 3 kids and knew I knew little
At 40 I was bursting to learn more, be more, experience more
At 50 I had achieved most of my career goals and knew there was more than that to life
At 56 I know that I will only ever know very little and I am happy with that.
I am more concerned now with enjoying myself, my family and friends and getting to know myself as a content person
When I turn 57 soon I will be looking forward to a lifetime ahead of simple pleasures and lots of gratitude...
and chats with you...
Happy days
I will turn 41 this October 21st. I don't mind growing old because I don't feel my age. I'm still youthful in my mind and sometimes my energies.
Now I have to go read all you comments and learn from your friends.