Note to Myself No. 31

Too many times, I've stood at the precipice of possibility, gasped, and sought the refuge of familiarity and perceived safety. I think the gaping hole of the unknown kept me mired in a toxic marriage for far longer than was good for me. When the breaking point came, I refused to be treated shabbily going forward. Better late than never. When I realized he was perfectly content to repeatedly break my heart if it served his purposes, which it seemed to do all too often, I told him that our marriage was no longer working for me. I'm not convinced that was at all traumatic for him, despite our 23 years together and two amazing sons, because he'd already prepared a soft place to land. As for me, I'd put all my eggs in one basket and suddenly found them scrambled to hell and back. There's an old saying that when you jump you'll sprout wings. I can't say that I had trust in that idea, but...