Thanks for the Memories

Oprah ran her last "Favorite Things" show today,
giving away lots of fabulous gifts to her audience.

At the end, Johnny Mathis appeared and sang.
That was one of my favorite things in the show.

He's old, I know. It seemed like he was pretty old
even when I was young, but that may be the
addled perspective of youth.

All I know is that the Johnny Mathis concert
I went to in the 90s with "the-love-of-my-life"
(at that point, anyway)
was one of the most romantic, sublime concerts
I've ever attended.

We took another couple with us
and everyone glammed up --
the guys in tuxedos and the ladies
in glitzy dresses or jeweled tops
and handkerchief hem skirts.

You know the look I mean --
though I'm not sure whether I was in a
I-think-I'll-be-a-redhead phase
like in this picture
or going for the God-given
dark ash blonde jacked up with
pale blonde streaks so carefully painted on
so I'd have hair that looked sun kissed.

But enough about me.

Johnny delivered.
Both today and back then.

He didn't deliver shiny red
still hush-hush Volkswagen Beetles,*
totally redesigned for 2012, like Oprah --

but he delivered.

Thanks for the memories, Oprah!

And Happy Silver Anniversary.
I, for one, will miss you.

And here's a little blast from the past
with Johnny Mathis.

* Oprah didn't give us a sneak peek -
well, just a tease perhaps --
the one on the stage was a 2011 version.

Except for the picture of me and the former Mr.,
all pictures are digitally altered screen shots
from the Oprah show today.


deb did it said…
Oh my God Meri....what a fabulous post, blast from the past. You and Mr Ex quite the dashing couple of then. You painted the picture of the time. LOVE you as a red head! And I love your writings here...keep it flowing!
fun post. I wonder if the you played with being a red head were the same years I went red (the 1990s - wonder what was with that!)

oprah is has been really going out - i don't watch; however, my ma brings me up to date with who she has on, etc. and sometimes i go to the internet and catch segments that sound especially good. was bummed to have missed the reunion of the sound of music cast!!
Anonymous said…
Amusing post!
rebecca said…
you are so beautiful!!!
truly you are.

can you see me smiling into your eyes right now?

p.s. is it a polite snow???

Well, this was fantastic. I love the nostalgic look at Matthis, your photo with that lovely hair. What a beauty! Yes it is a wonderful bit of nostalgia. Nice bringing the modern bit with Oprah into it too, and the video at the end. Lovely!
Relyn Lawson said…
My favorite commercial of ALL TIME is that Gap Christmas one with Johnny Mathis singing, "It's the most wonderful time..." Love him!

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