Haiku My Heart: Waiting Patiently

red chairs facing west
impatient for dusky skies
to glow amethyst  

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Spadoman said…
Your haiku tells me they are on the West coast, and I can see the sky turning to color. Very nice.

turquoise cro said…
YES! Sun, sun,I'll take it in the winter too!! Hopefully I'll get to make a snow castle for you all!!
Anonymous said…
Love LOVE this image and matching Haiku!

ms pie said…
the other night driving home due east around sunset.. glorious is all i can say.. i kept on looking out my windows, the rear view mirrors to catch the sight... talk about heavenly.. i love the photo of expectant red chairs... and yr ku the words explore a whole other side i would not have experienced the inanimate animated....
It is a wonderful idea, the concept of empty, expectant chairs allowing one to imagine their occupants and the life each leads, thinking of sunset and its resplendent colors. It is lovely. Nice contrasts too.
eb said…
can I sit down now?

xox - eb.
Rena said…
love the use of color in this poem. great photo, too
foxysue said…
Ooooh! I would like to be with you to capture the changing light, and it's effects, as 'ms pie' so observantly put it 'the expectant chairs'. The privilege of noticing is all ours! affecting the emotions!

Thanks for words and image.

Sue x
joco said…
"Is anybody sitting here?"
(Polite amd hilarious middle-class British English phrase for saying:
"Is this seat taken?")
Red going to amethyst...now there's hope of fireworks.
Kim Mailhot said…
I want to hang out on your red chairs, Miss Meri ! My world is getting greyer by the minute. Thank God for the bright color in my Art and Heart !
Have a joyous weekend !
rebecca said…
oh meri...
i am imagining that there are enough red chairs for each and every one who haiku-s.
that together in the gathering light of promise...
we will all surely
Anonymous said…
I love this. Very imaginative. Excellent photo too.
Thanks for sharing.

All the best, Boonie
Nanka said…
Awaiting the twilight light,between daylight and darkness, to be smudged by a dark velvet night!! Lucky chairs get to see it all :)
Riette said…
An empty chair facing towards the sun or ocean or mountains is so inviting. what a lovely and creative haiku.
deb did it said…
fab foto Meri....and oh how I would enjoy a long sit with you, awaiting the amethyst sky

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