Share the Joy Thursdays: Joy Movement

As you can see, I posted about JOY today.
I think there's a lot of joy in everyday living
but often we don't pay attention to it
because we mistakenly believe those moments
are too small or insignificant to count.

I think that as we become more mindful
about joyful experiences or feelings,
we increase our quality of life.

By sharing things that make our hearts
full of delight, we remind others
to look for joy in their lives.

Some things that give me JOY

dancing with abandon
seeing people enjoy themselves
people who are obviously in love
sunflowers and coreopsis
smiling faces

If you look, you'll surely find it.

Some of you said if I built it, you would come.
So spread your joy around the blog world,
one experience and photo at a time
or many. Whatever moves you!

Here's how to play:

1. find a photo that captures a moment of joy
2. write about it (or let the picture speak for itself)
3. leave me a comment if you choose
4. enter your name and link to your Share the Joy post
5. Go visit some of the other JOY-fuls 
and leave them a comment so they know they're appreciated.

Tell your friends. 
Invite them to play too.

Let's start a JOY movement. 

A special thanks to Rebecca for helping me
master this Mr. Linky thing.



rebecca said…
beautiful, perfect.
so glad you are here encouraging JOY!
i will set my sights over this week for capturing joy for the sharing.
until then, please accept my virgin as a reflection of JOY.

I love your idea, and I love all of the moments you chose. They are truly joyful. I looked back at how this started and saw the photo of Rebecca and steph and deb. That is the first time I have seen them all together. So nice! First time I have seen Rebecca! At any rate your grandson is lovely, all of your photos make me smile and yes, this is a great idea! I am in! I will tell some friends.
Ruth said…
What a great thing you are cultivating here, Meri. Just a simple observation and appreciation of joy. I so relate to this, because I need to do it every day. What I feel reading this post is that when we model joy, others can't help but pick it up.
rebecca said…
good morning and come,
feel the JOY!
Kim Mailhot said…
Yay, Meri ! Love the dance joy!

So glad that you started this joyous celebration. I truly believe the more we celebrate these simple joys, the more abundant they become in our lives.
Joy and love to you !
ellen abbott said…
I think you are right. True joy is found in the small fleeting moments. Feeling joyful comes from linking all these small moments together.
deb did it said…
this is such an important and beautiful movement...~what this world needs JOY sweet JOY~thank you Meri!!!
Carmen said…
i am so in for joy
turquoise cro said…
JOY down in our hearts to stay!!! Beauty Full post Meri and Thank YOU for starting this!!! Yayyyyyyyy! All your photos are awesome!
jo©o said…

I'd love to play.

I hope you'll accept that combination.

Good luck to the venture and all who sail in her:-)
deb did it said…
I quadruple dipped... I must be overflowing with joy!
Anonymous said…
This looks like fun. I’ve a sneaking suspicion that I’ll be giving it a go soon.

All the best, Boonie
Anonymous said…
meri...the JOY is obvious here

I FELT it, for sure.

love the idea of spreading joy

Joey said…
I am not sure what I am doing but I stumbled upon your site and thought my blog kind of fit in as it is about Catching Joy as it flies by!

I hope some of your followers find it "joy"ful!

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