Haiku My Heart: Transformation

For more Haiku My Heart, click HERE

"To Sleep, Perchance" altered digital image MAK 

she is cast into
dreams where butterflies signal
her transformation


My how lovely! Well done! Cathy
steven said…
very lovely! steven
Maxfield Parish? Well done.
ellen abbott said…
Oh Meri! How delightful.
Anonymous said…
Lovely post. Thanks for this.

All the best, Boonie
Charlotte said…
This really strikes a chord with me. My Mum (Foxy Sue) says my current life situation is as if I am a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis and that I sometimes tire myself out too much trying hard to fly with weakly wings and that I should take time to rest, like the picture.

Best wishes
turquoise cro said…
AhhhHHHH! Be still my heart Meri!!! I LOVE this Beauty Full image and haiku!! Welcome home, are YOU back!!! xooxoxo
Expat From Hell said…
Terrific work. Always a pleasure to stop by here. EFH
Kim Mailhot said…
I hope I have dreams like these...
foxysue said…
This haiku has such meaning for me, more than you will ever know!

So loved and appreciated.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful images and words, we are truly blessed.

love Sue x
Marilyn & Jeff said…
Beautiful art and words.
Oh, this is so very lovely. Well done.


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