Angels All Around

It didn't take me long to know

I was surrounded by angels.

Saints, too.

Viva Mexico!


Expat From Hell said…
San Miguel. One of my favorite places on earth. Please write more. I am very envious. EFH
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful statue! I love the expression on his face. What would we do without the angels ; )
Kim Mailhot said…
oooh, how beautiful !
A.Smith said…
Yes we are, the visible and invisible kind, the ones who come with the fragrance in the wind and the ones who come across the ether.
Angels, the magical notes in the music of the Universe, and we see them, we feel them, we can write to them and admire their art. Isn't that certainly a miracle?
deb did it said…
Meri, as always your post is simply strong and beautiful.
Very beautiful! Love seeing this while I take a little break this afternoon! ♥
Anonymous said…
Meri...we were indeed surrounded by angels!!

can't wait to see more of your gorgeous photos!

Kathy said…
This is lovely, I have never been there - though lived very close at one time! Lovely pic -
rebecca said…
my darling....
missing you at my breakfast table...
your stunning smile, your forever joy!
thank you for joining me in such passion for angels, saints, and sinners!

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