55 Words: Such Pressure

Oh my gosh I feel so pressured
to put important words on paper:
carefully counted words,
just the right number:
fifty five, no more, no less.
To  make words count
so I'm not just rambling,
frothing at the mouth,
just spouting (or typing, as it were)
 words to make myself heard
and seen. Such stress!

For more 55s,
visit GMan.


deb did it said…
I have been worried about you....now that I see you are still able to count creatively...I know you are OK!
Take care of YOU...blogland will always be here.
rebecca said…
my darling....i keep thinking of you. how when i look at you and you are laughing, i am sure i know exactly what you looked like at 5, or 10, or 20. your beauty radiates out in all directions.
you are like the sun.

Alan Burnett said…
Any kind of writing makes me feel pressured and I go to great lengths to avoid it. Excellent 55
Bubba said…
You're not alone, Meri... lots of that going 'round the 55s this week. (Well done!)
Brian Miller said…
haha. dont stress it too much...nice 55.
Monkey Man said…
I know what you mean. My 55 today was a result of just not 'feelin' it.
G-Man said…
Relax, Come In, sit down, converse.
Inspiration isn't always this hard to find..
Sometimes it's even WORSE!
Excellent 55, and welcome back.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

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