Haiku My Heart: Conversation

engrossed in small talk
facing Seattle's skyline
birds on a wire

For more Haiku happiness
click HeRe.


rebecca said…
may i silhouette your morning? may i drink in your perfect grace and chatter?
Alan Burnett said…
Perfect matching of image and words.
Jeannie said…
I think it's a conspiracy!
Anonymous said…
love this glimpse of intimate bird chatter...

Kim Mailhot said…
Oh I love this ! I adore this photo, Meri !
Happy, happy Friday !
Anonymous said…
I am so fascinated by birds!

Your strong haiku reminds me of this news story back from when I was living in Alaska: http://www.adn.com/2009/11/18/1018159/fairbanks-ravens-seem-to-mourn.html
deb did it said…
chirp chirp...birdie secrets! fab foto!I love the silhouette effect!
ms pie said…
that is a lovely seattle sentiment...
Rena said…
I do wonder what they chat about all day.
Leslie said…
They DO look like they're having a conversation!
EG CameraGirl said…
Well done, Meri. Love the photo and the haiku.
Well done. I like the bird haiku! Next week you can to the water. :) Have a grand weekend! Cathy
joanna said…
"Black bird singing in the dead of night take these wings and learn to fly all your life you were only waiting for this moment to arise"

the Beatles song came back into my head when I looked at this great photo,,, and lovely haiku.,

This, I adore. The other day I saw a "convocation of crows" as I was leaving a the McVeigh house next to our Natural History Museum. There must have been hundreds. I find them fascinating, the way they gather and seem to have such wild conversations. These look like they are having a bit of gossip. I love the silhouetted look. Lovely photo and haiku, Meri!
Nice to have you back. Please if you have a chance, look back at some of my original photos from New Mexico, (there are a number of posts) especially the aspens and the one on the Rio Grande with Baca's poem. I would like to know what you think. Thanks.
foxysue said…
I like your image
I like your haiku
I love your humour!

Sue x
Anonymous said…
Wonderful photo, beautiful and amusing poem. Thanks for sharing this.
And, “birds on a wire” – wouldn’t Birds on a Wire make a great title for a film?

All the best, Boonie
Meri said…
Bonnie - seeing them there, so seemingly engrossed, made me laugh.

Rebecca - I miss your smiling face.

Alan (and Leslie) - thanks. Crows (and ravens) fascinate me. They're usually so raucous, but in this instance, they were just conversing.

Jeannie - do you think they hid the weapons of mass destruction?

Stephanie - More of Mexico to come.

Kim - don't you love Haiku My Heart Fridays and getting to see what everyone does?

ControllingaSpicyUniverse: thanks for the link.

Ms Pie: it was a wonderful place to grow up and I still love it.

Terena: Me too!

Boonie and FoxySue: Thanks.

Noelle: I left you some comments.

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