Share the Joy Thursday: Find It Everywhere

Just like people,
Joy comes in many shapes and sizes,
colors and forms.

The gloss and detail of a carousel horse.

shot_1308088468554 by meriak
a photo by meriak on Flickr

              The perfect shape of a rose.

Sniffing my way around a rose garden,
copying down the names of varieties
that both looked beautiful and smelled like sweet perfume.

(This one's called Scentimental).

Finding a peacock with his magnificent tail in full array.

Little boys in play tents.

Joy is available any time, any place. . .
because JOY comes from within.

What says JOY to you this week?
To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.
Then click the Enter box 
or the NEXT box (if we're doing image-linkies).
If the "next" box doesn't pop up, click the link
to go to the page to select your image --
choose one from your post).

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!



Dawn Elliott said…
Each photo oozed happiness, Meri! Your posts are always so colorful and full of wit and joy - I look forward to coming here every week!
ellen abbott said…
I love your selection of pictures. They make me happy just looking at them.
Anonymous said…
the scentsation roses are stunning!
Your roses are divine. I can smell them by simply looking at the page. They are redolently sweet. I love carousel horses. They remind me of happy memories of childhood. And of course your grandson's picture brings you joy! I love the summer colors in the first photo. All of it is simply fabulous! Volumes of Joy!
foxysue said…
You are a JOY generator, thanks for providing a place to share ours.

Merry-go-round horse lustre, thrills the senses.

Sue x
It has been a wonderful visit! Thank you for your hospitality! Cathy
deb did it said…
YES! The "JOY Generator"...that's what you are!! Such a colorful happy collection of photos! Ya had me at Fiesta style pitchers!
Your linky thingy is acting up again, so here:
Anonymous said…
It's all making me feel joyFULL!
I can't figure out Mr. Linky--he's too smart for me--so here's another:

“You Make Up Your Mind”
I came by from Rebecca's site and your challenge really set the ball rolling for me for the summer. It really made me think hard about a "problem" I have in the summers.
Karen D said…
Love this idea!!

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