Share the Joy Thursday

Joy isn't always announced by the blaring of trumpets.

Sometimes it's heralded by chalk dust
and shouts of, "Look, Daddy!"

It might rush in like waves to the sand,
making you jump for joy because you love
your family and life itself so much.

Sometimes you find delight in a mug
of latte because the barista created
a little heart on top with caramel and
the "extra-foamy" you asked for.

One day I found it at the bottom of a bowl
of mushroom soup and took it as a sign
my true love was on his way.

And if you're like me, even something
as simple as red chairs
can fill you with joy.
Just the way they're lined up so neatly,
gathered like friends, and saying,
" Come join us!"

We'd love to have you join us
for Share the Joy Thursday this week. 

To play along:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the
Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- and let their joy infect you.  Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


deb did it said…
this post actually makes me wanna JUMP for JOY!! I am loving this project...and LOVE those red chairs!! and lattes and mushrooms!
rebecca said…
i remember that heart shaped mushroom!!!

Anonymous said…
i love that heat shaped mushroom... and the red chairs. and... i'm playing along too :)
eb said…
loving this post!
so into red too,
(temps in the teens)
tiny bones gifted to me,
a tiny Madonna now found,
and my daily haiku practice
now for some yoga...

xox - eb.
I'm with the others.... this post makes me want to JUMP FOR JOY. Those red chairs, the lattes and mushrooms!
Unknown said…
Now this is the way to start the day with a song in your heart and a smile on your face.
Naquillity said…
you made me smile this morning with your wonderful post. hope all is well. have a great day.

oh and, hope your true love is truly around the corner.
Kim Mailhot said…
I loved this post, Meri ! Was smiling and feeling joyful all the way through !
So beauteous !
Happy, happy Thursday !
Anonymous said…
Happy to share the joy!!!

Carmen said…
i love that jump ;-)

p.s. you are gifted with that camera
Relyn Lawson said…
Marvelous, wonderful, and yes, yes

Spadoman said…
I love your joyfull post. I didn't participate this week. I'll try to remember next time.
Hope you days are filled with joy.

Annie Jeffries said…
All signs of joy but really, the bottom of the soup bowl was sublime.
Thanks! Love this! Thanks for letting me share :)


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