A Virgin a Day (5) Sit With Me

Sit for a while with me,
here in this grotto,
where leaves filter the light
so it forms a warm shawl
around your shoulders.

In the quietness, let your energy
attune with mine.

© 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

Be silent.
Let your heart speak.
I will hear and understand. 

For more Virgins, click HERE.


rebecca said…
i love this meri.

the contrast of the white stone with the cobalt blue. the strong intense carving, embellishing the garments of one who embodies tenderness and compassion.

thank you....
Annie Jeffries said…
What a warm hug you have invited us to, Meri. This made me think of a visit I made to Portland, OR this summer and a spectacular and unadvertised garden I visited (I call it The Secret Garden). This prayer recited there would be the perfect experience.
Naquillity said…
that's one beautiful virgin. and your words are so peaceful, soothing. have a great night.
eb said…
sweet dreams...

xox - eb
I love everything about this. Your poem captures the moment. The image is one I have not seen before (the interpretation). All very captivating!
Beautiful. I absolutely adore blue and then to have HER in a blue grotto. Perfect. Where was this taken?
Anonymous said…
Oh I love this - the words themselves feel like a warm shawl around my shoulders... thank you!
turquoise cro said…
Shhhhh! Be Still and know the LOVE of GOD! I think that is why a lot of saints were hermits! They wanted to devote all their time and energy in the presence of GOD! This is Beauty Full!! Where is it?!

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