Monday Mosaic: Guerilla Art

As long as it's in the proper place and legal . . . 

it can add color and zip to a blank wall space.

For more Mosaic Monday posts,
click HERE.

And for a fascinating article about the creativity
of graffiti artists that SPERLYGIRL
brought to my attention, click here.


There's some amazing grafitti art in the Deptford area of London. I've always been fond of murals.
This art often cuts right through to the bone - so powerful. Thanks for highlighting it here.
sperlygirl said…
and i am so smitten with it!! i just came across this today - amazing,
Vicky said…
Truly amazing... the emotion and rawness of it just leaps out of the art. I must go check it out!
My name is Riet said…
These are wonderful pictures. Really special
Debbiedoos said…
I love the art, the colors especially made for a really cool mosaic. Thanks for stopping by my post, I sure appreciate the drop by:)
Wonderful colorful mosaic. Great art.
Maggie said…
I have seen some pretty amazing graffiti art and I am always impressed with how fast these artist paint a picture. Love your mosaic.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit to my blog.
Hello Meri,

I love your mosaic and I'll go visit the link to the other blog too.

Nancy, who owns my local fiber shop was all for me taking photos of it....but she makes most of her income from the tourist trade too. She really has a divine shop..the pictures I took don't do it justice.

Thanks for coming over for a visit..Come back anytime and I'll do the same. :0)

Stephanie ♥
Michelle said…
Isn't that something! Great art work!! Thanks for stopping by my post!
Wow, incredible grafitti, they all make a wonderful mosaic.
The pics on your Daily photo blog are beautiful - we will return.
Darryl and Ruth : )
Wow... this is an amazing mosaic full of amazing photos!
Glenda/MidSouth said…
Thanks for sharing. I think the only graffiti in this area is gang related.:(
Thanks for stopping by. No drive bys here. :-) I pulled over in the parking lots for all except on the road. I noticed how blue the sky was and the camera was on the seat - picked it up aimed it towards the windshield and clicked. Had no clue what it would look like. :-D
Carol said…
Wow, very interesting and exciting artwork! Cool mosaic! Enjoyed your photo's!
Incredible! It's almost poetic. I like your mosaic. laurie
Good to see such creative energy channeled in a positive direction. Random graffiti creates such blight in neighborhoods. These murals are really well done.

Ebie said…
Graffiti art, we can call it. A powerful art and presentation!

Lovely mosaic!
I agree graffiti can be very artistic and expressive ...only if it's done in the proper place and if legal. Very interesting mosaic!
Elaine said…
Some real talent out there. Not all great works of art are hung in galleries.
colorchic said…
Such vibrant colors. Thanks for visiting Color Chic
Regina said…
Wow its awesome!
Great mosaic.
Dave King said…
Great stuff! - And now I'm off to follow your link.
rebecca said…
i love urban art. tribal art. traditional art. contemporary art. kid art. well, ART!
graffiti is like a hallelujah choir with its intensity of emotion.
Carol said…
Some of these artists are so talented!
Anonymous said…
It is an interesting mosaic. Street art or grafittis are real art that anybody can enjoy because it is free.
Jeanne said…
Very beautiful and emotional images! Thanks much for sharing!

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