Share the Joy Thursday

I feel joy 

when I create something new
from bits and pieces

Pieces of Asia #1 © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

when I spend time with friends
for chai or movies
or art dates

When I find heart-shaped rocks

Love on the Rocks © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

when I try something new

(this is the interior of the clamshell-shaped
glass piece I blew --
with a lot of help from a wonderful tutor)

and when the sky is blue
with little powder puff clouds.

Will you share your joy?

To play along:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post and paste it into the
Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- and let their joy infect you.  Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


I had this set up earlier and then was not home to sign up on time. Well here I am and what an amazingly lovely post you have created. Your collage is like an exquisite quilt pattern, such a delight for the eyes, and the clamshell blown glass simply breathtaking. I would love to learn how to do that! You are surrounded by wonderful friends who share your interests in art and craft. It seems your life is very full really. Thank you for sharing such beauty with all of us.
I love the heart stone as well. So solid and something one can hold.
rebecca said…
words escape me.
i am in heaven on a powder puff cloud...
i am rock steady on earth holding heart shaped rocks.
i am cheering you on your path of discovery and creation.
ahhhhhhh.....kissing the JOY as it FLIES!!!
Anonymous said…
A fun post! I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.

All the best, Boonie
foxysue said…
I always love the images you post so clear and vibrant, at the same time soft and flowing as is the sentiment.

Such a JOY to be part of it all.

Thank you

Sue x
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Carmen said…
thank you for these wonderful pictures!!!
yay for this joy revolution ;-)
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh, beautiful joy, Meri ! You know I am loving the heart shaped rocks right along with you !
Thanks for this celebration!
deb did it said…
OK, so now you are on Joy Overload.So many images and thoughts here that make me smile so BIG. That hot glass is gorgeous. And the cloud shot makes me wanna go Sky-Skipping with you...bring along a camera and some wine...LET'S GO...leave the carrots at home, OK?
deb did it said…
and one more thing...can Rebecca be any MORE joyful than saying things like "kissing the joy as it flies" I think she tips the Joy Factor Scale!!
Hi Meri -- I love this meme! I've bookmarked it for later (I have joy today, but it's too late to do a post ;>)

Your pictures are beautiful as are the comments.
Miss Robyn said…
ahh found this :) [will grab the button and link to your blog]
I will join in that will be fun!
I love heart stones.. a friend of mine finds many on a beach near her.. and now, I have started discovering them too.. it is like the world is linked by hearts :)

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