Stumbling Toward Ecstasy

Watching the couple
officially embarking on life together,
surfing on a tsunami of love and emotion.

Tears in their eyes.

Hearts on their sleeves.

Hand in hand. 

Stumbling toward ecstasy.


Full-On-Forward said…
I pray their journey will last and last and last.....

My Lady Haiku,
the day the bride and groom wept,
were you weeping too?
Very beautiful photographs, Meri and sentiments as well. A fitting phrase for newlyweds. I am wondering who this couple might be and how they are connected to you? Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to the lovely couple. You captured some precious moments with your camera!
Oh my how touching! Really tender beautiful pictures!!! Cathy
Annie Jeffries said…
Yup. That just about sums it all up. I attending a wedding yesterday. Happy times and I wish all new couples all the BEST.
Anonymous said…
Such joy for their new beginnings. It was nice to share in their happiness : )
eb said…
oh Meri
I love this!
such BEautiful love...

xox - eb.
rebecca said…
truly this is the best kind of ecstasy!

perfect offering....
Ecstasy doesn't get a whole lot better than this. May they live happily to see their children's, children's, children's children.
deb did it said…
ex-tas-sie! bee--you--tif--ul...really!!
turquoise cro said…
Sending them love and prayers! I LOVE it when the priest, preacher says, Now,YOU may kiss the bride!
beth said…
oh how beautiful......
i hope the happiness lasts a lifetime !
Anonymous said…
They look very happy together.
Meri said…
Hey All: I'll let this couple know you're sending them good wishes. The groom is a family law attorney and has just joined the bride's mother's law firm as an associate. The bride's mother is my treasured friend (and former law partner). I've known the bride since she was about 8 or 9, and though she has "real" aunties, I get the status of "honorary auntie." Some of you may remember my post in Feb 09 about going shopping with the bride for her gown. The wedding was in April of this year and was quite an extravaganza.

And yes, Magical Mystical Teacher: I wept too. Not only in the sanctuary, but earlier in the hotel, when Andre was standing at the bottom of the stairs and Jessica came floating down in her beautiful gown......and Andre started spilling tears. Not a dry eye in the house!

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