Haiku My Heart: Lament

For more Haiku My Heart, click HERE

"Ascending Layers" © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

unruly thinking
you make it hard for me to
achieve nirvana


ellen abbott said…
nice. I tried my hand at haiku earlier this week.

I prefer to think of nirvana as being a life fully lived in the moment instead of a mindless state spent sitting.
Sandy K. said…
I haven't tried Haiku since I taught middle school English. I love the sentiment expressed in such few words. Beautiful illustration, as well.
rebecca said…
love the intimacy of mind speaking to nirvana.

perfect haiku paired with a stunning image.

Sometimes unable to achieve even in the quiet...Happy New Year!!!!! Wishing you the very best! Cathy
Anonymous said…
I hope you reach nirvana, all we can do is strive...but I do like ellen's interpretation...

happy HAPPY new year!
Marilyn & Jeff said…
Great words for your picture.
Happy New Year.
turquoise cro said…
Hatred, angst, jealousy BE GONE!!! Let the world have PEACE!!! Peace be in our hearts, Meri! I think I will have a meditation day and PEACE is all I will murmur! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! to YOU and YOURS!!!
Kim Mailhot said…
gorgeous ! Damn those unruly thoughts ! May your creativity and love for life help to calm them, Beautiful One !
Happy New Year !
Ramesh Sood said…
But then that's how it is.. unruly thinking hits.. but lets recognise this and try to minimise.. presence of unruly in fact makes us aware of the opposite..

Happy New Year!!!
Anonymous said…
happy 2011! wishing you peace and happiness.
I think Ramesh is right. You don't push away unruly thoughts. You allow them like anything else, at least in my meditation. I love your buddha! So beautiful. Happy New Year dear Meri!
Nanka said…
Face the unruly thinking to tame it and calm it down, it is then peace and harmony will prevail.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for this lovely combination of image and words.
Re Nirvana: I've never stayed there. I've only ever dropped by for the briefest of moments. It's definitely on my "to-go" list....

Happy New Year to you, from Boonie
kendalee said…

Wishing you a year of peace and beauty... happy 2011!
gma said…
nirvana is near
beneath unruly thinking
a quiet bell rings

Spadoman said…
I've heard that Nirvana word before. Name of a band, I know, and the deeper meaning from Buddhism and Hinduism. I don't know whether I've ever achieved this state of mind. It's a good thought though.
Thank you for being a blog friend and for visits to my blog, kind words and thoughts. That's enough nirvana for me, to have made the beautiful connections I've made over the past year.

Peace, always
ms pie said…
the photo is exquisite in expression... the very layers speak of experience in time.. though he speaks no words out loud one can hear.. and yr ku hits home for us all...
will said…
First impression, it reminded me of Lalique's "Masque De Femme".

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