Twelve Days of Mother Love: December 7

Artists for hundreds, even thousands, of years
have attempted to capture the essence of Mary.

This portrayal seeks to picture Mary
as Queen of the Heavens, with rich brocades and lace
and a crown too heavy to be worn by a human being.

I suspect that Mary would be embarrassed by images 
that show her in extravagant clothing and jewels.

She was, after all, an unspoiled girl
who answered a call that would change her life
in ways she couldn't begin to imagine.
She said yes, trusting that her path would be revealed 
and her feet would be steady upon it.

We should all be so obedient when the call to our destiny comes.

For additional meditations on the Divine Feminine
and the cult of Mary, click HERE.


rebecca said…
meri is this your creation? i love love love her! so much majestic beauty revealed in every detail.
i am enjoying our mornings together. thank you for shining your love light in these sadly dark days. xo
Being obedient to the call isn't always easy, is it?
The most difficult thing to do for sure.
This is a beautiful picture. Someone was trying to heap Mary with their love the only way they knew how.
J C said…
Wonderful post. Hope it causes many to think.
Gillena Cox said…
the artist enriches her divine feminine with tear stained jeweled cheeks; Wow!!! nice find

much love...
Meri said…
Gillena -- the image is one of my Polyvore creations in times gone by. When you can't find something, create it!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely lovely. I couldn't agree more that as human beings we portray her in her opulent clothing, accessories and jewelry because that's all we know how to do to make sure there is no mistake that she is supreme royalty. I'm just finishing Netflix's series "The Crown" and for some reason, I'm thinking of Queen Elizabeth today who periodically is forced to dress opulently.
gma said…
Of course Mary deserves the finest that we on earth could imagine. However her true magnificent beauty shines from her heart.
Annie Jeffries said…
Ahh, Meri. You understand Mother Mary very well.

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