Postcards from Paradise: Arts and Crafts

Though the day was looking drippy and drizzly
I ventured off to see the offerings at the Farmer's Market

and the artist wares at the Gig Harbor Arts and Crafts Festival,
an annual event sponsored by Peninsula Art League.

By the time I'd bought sweet peas and bread

at the Farmer's Market and headed down
toward the harbor to the Festival,

the clouds decided to behave
so the wander was dry.

And colorful.


Full of browsers. . . .

Fun seekers

 and adorable pups.

It was also productive. . . . 

But more about that later.


rebecca said…
thank you for taking me by the hand...lovely sojourn in your colourful world.

and who does not love a mystery???
Wow Meri. Your Sweet Peas were a work of art. I thought that I was viewing a painting. I was transfixed by the color and texture of that image. Gorgeous. The bread is making me hungry. I still haven't had breakfast. I love the colorful, bright, whimsical morning you had at the market. We have a farmer's market here but it doesn't look nearly as delightful. Thanks for taking me with you!
foxysue said…
Those sweet peas, and that bread look so very delicious, you always supply a treat for the eyes.

It's our local festival behind my cottage next weekend, we've had rain this weekend so maybe we'll get lucky!
Anonymous said…
Farmers market AND and art market...what a perfect Sunday!
helen tilston said…
What a blissfull day. I love farmers markets and the produce is so fresh now and plentiful. Art fares are so suitable for the whole family and a way to meet artists and new friends.
Gattina said…
I like to see farmer's markets. When the weather is nice of course ! You certainly had a lot of fun !
Reena said…
So much fun! Love the first photo!
somepinkflowers said…

i would eat the bread
the sweet peas

that is just me...

ellen abbott said…
Looks like fun to me. I love sweet peas.
I feel like I got to ramble with you. Glad that the day brightened. My son and family and sis in Washington say summer is coming slowly this year.
Alan Burnett said…
What fantastic photographs - dripping with the flavour of the place.
deb did it said…
WOW! WOW! WOW! fun fun fun...where's the sun?

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