Limits and Imaginary Lines

If you want a power statement to live out loud,
try this one out:

Buddha in Shadow © 2011 Meri Arnett-Kremian

From this hour I ordain myself loosed
of limits and imaginary lines.

- Walt Whitman


I will certainly take your advice to heart, and continue to push the envelope....
Alan Burnett said…
A wonderfully atmospheric photograph. It is amazing how so few colours can be so colourful.
Reena said…
Now that's a motto I could live with!
helen tilston said…
From this hour, I am unfetted
Rob-bear said…
Given how much our lives are ruled by the clock and the line, this "power statement" has some real benefits.
I enjoy the picture. Thanks.
Kim Mailhot said…
Those are inspiring yet terrifying words, Baby ! That Walt had big boot to make the journey with...

Happy Wednesday, Loosened One !
Maya said…
The image is a beautiful expression of this great quote!

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