Share the Joy Thursday: For Joy

For joy, for joy. . . .

I spy

artful faded posters that have been exposed

a bin full of stars

plaster pieces BEFORE I got too heavy-handed 
with the sanding block (oops!)

intricate rusty iron gates


odd assortments of shapes and textures.

What says JOY to you this week?
To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us
 what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box along with your name.

3. Then click the NEXT box
If the "next" box doesn't pop up, click the link
to go to the page to select your image --
choose one from your post so you'll entice people to visit.

4. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  

5. Leave them a comment about their post
because everyone enJOYs getting positive feedback.

Let's start an epidemic of joy!


A great idea Meri. Good luck with it. Too tired to create a post tonight, but I will try to participate soon! :)
Dawn Elliott said…
I absolutely adore your images this week...and I don't think you were too heavy handed with your sanding!
Wonderful artful treasures, Meri. I love the "bin full of stars". Very nice. You find such beauty in everything, a lovely quality and insight. I decided to share a film I put up on Sunday that no one saw. I love it so much. Believe it or not the message is indeed a joyful one! I can guarantee rebecca will like it.
The second post is from Indaba. It is not really literally a joy post, but I found it wonderful because best friend's 10 year old daughter wrote a poem and I used it for the post with her permission. She was so delighted she could hardly speak. I find that truly joyful and her poem as well.
rebecca said…
yes..a bin full of stars!!!
and here you are collecting all of our jOY dust!!!!

love you meri
Anonymous said…
Adore the collection of JOY you have here...the rusty stars among the rocks, a fav.

Kim Mailhot said…
I love those celestial sweet spots that found their joyous way to you this week ! Especially the rust star at the end.
Happy Thursday, Awesome One !
i would love all that stuff sitting in my garden or in my front porch
happy thursday my amiga :-)
I give up! I have no idea how to operate this Linky system, so here's where you can find my joyful post:
Maya said…
Love the assortments of all the shapes..., and your photography is gorgeous!
inspiring collection of shapes and images!

i'm singing a little joyful tribute!

thanks for your work spreading JOY
Olivia said…
I really like the idea of "spying" joy...secretly looking and seeing things no one else does. Especially in ordinary things...actually not so ordinary, once you discover and begin to delight in them! xoO

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