Just Me Here. . .

Just me here. . .

Little old me. . .

enjoying the sunlight and shadows

meditating on the blue skies

paying attention to the details

finding the stillness within
and without

and just plain lovin' life.

Oh. . . .
and here's wishing you
a splendid 4th of July,
whether or not
it's a national celebration for you.



Olivia said…
Love right back at you, Meri! Isn't it great to be loving life? So many people don't, and when we can be in that place, it's great! xoO
Eryl said…
Happy 4th July, Meri, and everyone: it's good to remember that freedom can be won.
rebecca said…
this is a stunning walk through your eyes.
thank you for sharing the beauty of you.

beth said…
happy 4th to you, too !!
Anonymous said…
Have a happy fourth Meri! The reflected images are wonderful


is that Chihuly sculpture in the water?

Oh Meri. I Love the reflection of you in the water but most of all I adore that likeness that someone created of you in the slinky white dress (smile). Gorgeous images all. You always offer us such a lovely journey into your world.I especially liked the glass dome. I enjoy all of it so. Thank you for your kindness at my place today. It meant a lot.
helen tilston said…
A beautiful and refreshing post. Truly original. I love it. Your images speak so loudly and I shall say back loudly "Happy Independence Day"
Helen Tilston
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful photos, and happy 4th to you, too.
somepinkflowers said…
oh happy day
to you
new plaster~workshop*friend!


i am off

PS--you look
~~Very Happy~~
in that White Dress,
i must say...
Every photo, every word radiates joy!

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