Haiku My Heart: Summer Storms

even in summer
storms rage against the coastline
buffeting dune grass


Maya said…
Beautiful!! I love the seagrass by the shore.
Reena said…
So love this photo ....
foxysue said…
Yes a storm is always brewing somewhere, the dunes are a strong network of defence, beautiful too!

How I value our network!

Sue x
Kim Mailhot said…
storms off the coastline are so different from those inland. Thank you for bringing this image into my mind...
Happy Friday !
rebecca said…
this carries the presence of the ancient masters.

Dawn Elliott said…
Your haiku makes me want to visit the ocean...it's been way too long. Love it!
beth said…
i love this photo....it's actually one of my favorites of yours.
Anonymous said…
Very atmospheric. Thanks for sharing.

All the best, Boonie
GlorV1 said…
Very nice. I can see and hear the movement of that dune grass. Great photo.
No dune grasses in Redondo Beach, but I love yours in Tacoma. Lovely haiku and photo.
Marit said…
This haiku ánd photo reminds me of my youth (I grew up near the dunes/sea) Gorgeous!
tami said…
such a lovely photo! And a gorgeous haiku. One of my favorites!
deb did it said…
a beautiful photo to go along with such a lovely haiku...somehow this seems calming
Anonymous said…
ohhh! this photo and your haiku are gorgeous!
gma said…
This is true beauty Meri,
both photograph and your words.
I love the deep sepia tones in this and the texturing of the sky. So beautiful, like an old painting. This image is very artful. Your haiku is very fitting and yes, I can remember in Santa Fe particularly in summer, thunderstorms in August that brought cool rain. I don't recall storms here that raged against our coastline but Washington is different I am sure.
ELK said…
i think i have been in that very spot ..beaches are so beautiful in the softness and strength~

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