Share the Joy Thursday: A Medal for My Heroine

It fills me with JOY that one of my inspirations
Maya Angelou
received the Medal of Freedom this week.

Photo from Maya photo gallery
It fills me with JOY to remember that the winds
of Seattle's Inauguration Day storm in 1993
waited to blow out the power until after 
Dr. Angelou had delivered her inaugural poem.

It fills me with JOY to remember a wonderful
Black History Week during which my employer
brought Maya Angelou to recite poetry in
the headquarters auditorium and I was able
to sit in silent awe and let her powerful words
and the sound of her velvety musical voice
wash over me.

Photo from Maya photo gallery.

It fills me with JOY to hear her say
in Oprah's Master Class segment

Words have power. Use them carefully.
Love liberates. It doesn't bind.
Prepare yourself to be the rainbow in someone's cloud.

because she unwaveringly  gives voice to truths
that reside in my heart.

What gives you JOY?
What makes you arrive at your destination full of hope?

Won't you share it with us?

To play along:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


rebecca said…
yes, i love her too. this is a deeply satisfying post. i can hear her voice...
Miss Robyn said…
I love her too.. [I use her quotes alot in my journal]
shared my JOY for this week.
foxysue said…
She bowls me over,
love to you Meri for this beautiful connection,
Sue x
deb did it said…
she is also one of y heroes...and this post is a beautiful tribute to her,from your heart...seems like you have had some precious close moments with her. How wonderful.and JOYful.
tami said…
What JOY you are bringing to the world. I love Maya Angelou - I too use her quotes a lot in my journals and postings.

This is my first JOYful Thursday!
Kim Mailhot said…
This is a beautiful post about an amazing woman. Feels kind of funny that you wrote about such a powerful figure in the American consciousness and I wrote about my cats. ;) But that is the wide spread impact of joy !!! Happy Thursday!
~JarieLyn~ said…
I too, love Maya Angelou. she is such a soulful and caring person, so real. How wonderful that you got to see her in person.
Anonymous said…
she is truly amazing...such wisdom and grace.
Carmen said…
i adored her spirit and words
i adore you too
I first read Maya Angelou years ago when I was going through a painful divorce. She gave--and still gives--this caged bird a reason to sing!
Incandescent Joy
Bee said…
A stack of books. A cup of tea. A cookie warm from the oven. Solitude (but also friends, especially the ones who make me laugh).

Do you think that Maya can remember what SHE reads? I'm thinking of your comment about how you like to read books for your reading group a day or two before . . . (I do that, too!).
All of these good and powerful words washing over me; I wish that I could remember more of them!
J C said…
Yes. Maya is tops in my book!
My Vegan Life said…
She is a wise & wonderful woman ineed!Love her!Thanks for the great post!
Hi Meri,
I left a very long comment and I don't think that it took. I love Maya Angelou. I saw her in person in Santa Barbara years ago. She is an astonishingly dynamic and charismatic figure and a true cultural icon at this point in history. I well recall the inaugural poem and have a bound copy. I love your post and what you have shared here. It is a truly joyful thing. I am also glad that she won the medal. If this is a repeat just get rid of the comment.
Ms. Becky said…
I love her, and clearly remember that day in 1993 when President Clinton was inaugurated and Maya read that poem. Oh...the good old days. thanks for sharing the joy, her quotes are awesome. I'm hoping to share some joy next Thursday, I love that you're hosting this! have a beautiful weekend.

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