A Valentine Wish

Sending you love
and the pink roses of friendship
this Valentine's Day.

May you be showered with love
from a special person,
may you return that love and then some,
may your love multiply and
blanket the world.


Beautiful! Enjoy your special day! Hugs! ♥♥♥
Anonymous said…

happy heARTfelt wishes!
beth said…
happy "big hearts that love" day to you......
rebecca said…
meri....you give me wings!

(yikes! universe talking to YOU, my verification word is dogish)

back to that puppy lust!
Anonymous said…
hope you had a lot of love showered on you!
deb did it said…
~~~mmmwwwaahh~~!That's a cyber kiss!
((((Meri))))~~~that's a cyber-hug!
Bee said…
THIS is my idea of a rose!

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