With respect, I do hope you are wrong. Although I suppose there are times in life when it certainly feels that way. Lovely pairing of your words with your image Meri.
I meant this quite literally -- marionettes are puppets controlled by a person, after all -- but so many people live unintentionally, reacting to people and situations as if their strings are being pulled by an unseen hand. All you insightful people looked beyond the obvious..........
Lovely Meri... I see it this way. We think we are in control, but we are not. We can control some things, but never what another says or does,or what nature can do in an instant. The puppet is held by strings, and movements scripted, as you mention, but when the strings are set down and in no ones hands, then what? Anything can happen. (when you pick them up the strings are tangled, right?). Just sayin' Love the haiku and the photo!
Wonderful! And the image flashed me back to my childhood when my own Hansel and Gretyl and my sister's Red Riding Hood and the Wolf enjoyed many a "controlled" play date!
Meri, These marionettes look like they are from the Venice trip that you made. They are so elaborate and elegantly costumed. Beautiful. It is a stunning image. I like your haiku very much. One of my favorite lines from an Edward Estlin Cummings poem:
"you being in love will tell who softly asks in love,
am i separated from your body smile brain hands merely to become the jumping puppets of a dream?"
Today there will be no Share the Joy. It will have to wait until there’s news of Rebecca . She’s undergoing painful surgery today I’m asking you to light a candle Send healing thoughts to the All There Is Ask the Virgin to intercede if you're so inclined Or maybe Rebecca's virgin. . . . And infuse Rebecca’s body and spirit with Light and Joy.
Happy Friday, Lovely One !
Love the haiku and the photo!
Nice starting point for thought..
dangling by a golden thread
NO control I'm dead.
Haiku My Heart
These marionettes look like they are from the Venice trip that you made. They are so elaborate and elegantly costumed. Beautiful. It is a stunning image. I like your haiku very much.
One of my favorite lines from an Edward Estlin Cummings poem:
"you being in love
will tell who softly asks in love,
am i separated from your body smile brain hands merely
to become the jumping puppets of a dream?"
Thought you might like that.
All the best, Boonie
I love the expressions on the faces of these puppets, maybe this is how we look when someone is trying to control us!
Thank you for this topical post,
Sue x
this is a STAGE FULL!!!!
wild pairing.
(oh, that's what you are hoping for!!!)