Ending a Period of Silence

I've been in an art cocoon the past few days.
Drove to Seattle for a photo encaustic workshop

at Northwest Encaustics in West Seattle
with an artist named Daniel Santjer.

Made two 11 x 14 pieces from my photos

that Daniel printed and mounted to cradled board.

But the most fun came from just playing 
on post card-sized boards,
doing encaustic minis. . .

I don't want to overload you,
so I'll share more as the week goes along.

The piece above consisted of two base layers of
titanium white wax, each fused with heat.
Next came some gold, yellow and orange encaustic colors
plus a heat session.
Next I placed some tissue layers or decorative papers
 with Asian writing
one at a time with clear medium (plus heat).
The figures are from a toner copy
burnished in and then rubbed with water
until all the paper rubs away. 
I lightly fused it (too much heat and the toner moves).
The final step was to lightly mark up the edges with
a wire brush and then rub in some dry pigment.


beth said…
love it....love encaustics !
Beautiful Meri - sounds like a lot of work!
Joey said…
Those are beautiful! It must be so nice to have a passion! I love the second one best! The colors are beautiful!
Eryl said…
How gorgeous to be able to do such fun things, and with colour!
Joanna said…
That last piece is just beautiful! I love the way encaustic makes the intimate become grand.
Numinosity said…
That asian piece is delicious! I just picked up a load of old Japanese letters from the 20's that will be fun to layer in wax. It looks like it was a great class. Thanks for sahring some of your creations.
rebecca said…
i am so ready to jump in with both feet.

these are gorgeous meri. so timeless and luscious.
Relyn Lawson said…
That first picture made me gasp, it's so wonderful.

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