Puppy Love

Yesterday someone dropped by with her puppy
and now I've got at least 
a moderate case of puppy lust.

My Bichon Latté died in June at 14 

and I've gotten used to not reflexively reaching 
for the dog treats when I go to the store.
I no longer expect to see her dancing in joy
when I open the door.

I'm loving not having to worry about getting home
to let her out after three or four hours.

But a shadow of her still hangs around,
reminding me of the companionship she offered.

I really don't want the dog-mom responsibilities,
but still. . . .


ellen abbott said…
sometimes it's hard to resist.
Joanna said…
Yes, puppies are so sweet and dogs become such a part of our lives. Our two are now nine and twelve and we're looking ahead to a time when we might not be full-time dog parents. I'm wondering about sharing a dog with someone else who lives nearby and is compatible in training approaches. I wonder if that would be a solution.
rebecca said…
oh meri...this is puppy lust for SURE!

lovely thoughts, longing and photographs.

i adore you. puppy or no puppy!
GlorV1 said…
Once you've shared your life with a family pet member and that member has woven it's way into your heart and looked into your soul....there is no way one can be without that special love. I know, I lost my shar-pei/chow after 14 years of happiness. It hurts and she is still so missed but we have Chocolatte' now and she is growing on us. Go with your heart.
Johnny Nutcase said…
:( I'm sorry. She looks like she was a happy little girl though . I know how hard that is. I had a bichon, Sebastian who was 12 when he died. Such a happy dog, as I'm sure yours was too :)
Ah, puppy lust. My friend Bee has two wonderful dogs, collectively known as The Boyz, and every time I spend a week with them, I come home aching to have a dog again. But I resist....my cat would KILL me!
Spadoman said…
I had one pet. Avery good friend gave me a puppie in 1971. A Border Collie mix. She stayed with me for 14 years, developed sickness and moved on. I've never been able to have another pet since. I don't know why. One excuse is that I'd never be able to leave, (travel), if i had a pet to attend to, (or for that matter, a garden or house plants to water).
I see you miss your dog friemd. That is a good trait in a person, even if it is a little painful.

will said…
Exactly. I now think pets are best for children and the very old.
beth said…
i know that feeling.....
ours turned 14 last month and my hubby said the other day, "what are we ever going to do when she's gone" and i had to look away.

like you, not worrying about getting home to let her out every 4 or 5 hours seems so wonderful, but at the same time...i can't imagine not having my little shadow next to me all the time....

so those feelings you have.....i know....i know....
Eryl said…
Your dog was beautiful, and I so understand the temptation to have a creature in your life that will love you unconditionally and always be delighted to see you.
*jean* said…
o i am sorry but i do understand a little about that...my little maltese was 14 and we watched her leave in april...but because we have a 12 yr. old, we are getting a golden retriever puppy in the spring but it sure was nice not to have to shovel the backyard out this winter!

ELK said…
oh I so know these feelings ..hard to let them go..hard to be without one..a sweet friend

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