Going With the Flow

Even though it was billed as a Photo Encaustic workshop,  
since there was plenty of encaustic paint, 
a huge supply  of post card-sized board,
and I was in a "what if?" mood 

I tried my hand at plain old 

Untitled #1 © 2011 Meri Arnett-Kremian

encaustic painting in miniature.

Untitled # 3 © 2011 Meri Arnett-Kremian

You have only minimal control over the outcome
once you put multiple colors on the surface
and apply heat.

A nightmare for some. . . .
but there's a gift in going with the flow.


rebecca said…
i am deeply drawn to "art" where we do not have complete control.

you are seducing me!
Oh yes - I love the surprises creative flow can bring. I know little about encaustic and you are making a good case to find out more about it, here!
Relyn Lawson said…
So evocative. Love your art.
foxysue said…
Oh, I love your flow Meri, tell me more?

Sue x
ellen abbott said…
What are the little clear 'beads'? I knew that encaustic was wax but I didn't realize there were wax paints.
Kim Mailhot said…
I don't get the nightmare it is for some, though I know quite a artists who would feel this way. For me, making art is all about the flow. It is the one place where I can fearlessly say "what if?" and be unconcerned with the consquences or the outcome !
Love your encaustic play - deconstructed poppies come to mind...yum !
Eryl said…
I'm going to have to find out more about encaustic, I have no idea what it is but it looks wonderful, and I love surprises. Control is so overrated!

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