Prayers for Rebecca

Today there will be no Share the Joy.

It will have to wait until there’s news of Rebecca.

She’s undergoing painful surgery today

I’m asking you to light a candle

Send healing thoughts to the All There Is

Ask the Virgin 

 to intercede if you're so inclined

Or maybe Rebecca's virgin. . . .

And infuse Rebecca’s body and spirit with
Light and Joy.


Gayle said…
Thank you for letting us know Meri, I will most definately be lighting a candle and sending up prayers for our sweet Rebecca.
Please keep us posted.
OH My goodness!!! Prayers indeed. She's been a beautiful inspiration!!! Yes, keep us posted! Cathy
Unknown said…
Candle is lit and prayers are on their out into the universe to fall upon Rebecca in her need.
Anonymous said…
Sitting here in the light with you...

Prayers began the moment I saw the headline.
I am with you all...and most especially with Rebecca...godspeed...
Helen Campbell said…
Prayers are surrounding Rebecca, and candle lit. Thank you for keeping us posted.
sperlygirl said…
prayers and love headed her way from here...
eb said…
shared emails with Rebecca prior to her surgery - holding her in my heart - lighting candles - off on a prayer walk now...

xox - eb.
I hope everyone will join me at Haiku My Heart Friday, using the linky thingy that’s still open on Rebecca’s last post. Many of us know that Rebecca is in the process of recovering from surgery, and probably won’t be able to post a new Haiku My Heart for this weekend. So, please, leave a little haiku blessing for Rebecca here.

May we all be bearers of healing light.
deb did it said…
thank you for this beautiful post
deb did it said…
and if it were not for our Patron Saint Rebecca, I would not be here right now, by your side...nor shared a room with you in a Mexican Paradise!
Annie Jeffries said…
Praying for Rebecca, as always.

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