Haiku My Heart: Reaching

Haiku My Heart
will touch yours.

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arms reaching skyward
swaying, arching, tasting joy
wind provides music


Carmen said…
yes yes to wind and music and reaching and tasting
This is very beautiful, this Danse des arbres. I like it! I think that trees have spirits all their own and that is why we often connect with them so readily. Lovely image, Meri and beautiful Haiku.
Bee said…
What time of the day was this? Was it cold outside?
What an expressive photograph -- and word to go with it.
Anonymous said…
Love your style with Haiku ... I found your link through your post on a fellow Haiku-er page!

What a synchronistic gem ... Thanks for sharing ~ becca ~

tami said…
arms reaching outward - i always feel the trees are reaching to the heavens . . . love this!

(i got my sheer heaven paper today) Can't wait to try it!
phil said…

As a woodwind player, I thank you.

Nanka said…
A flute player just passed by on the street outside and the soothing sounds of music wafted in the room with the breeze.
Good photography!!
Grammy said…
I love purple sky's, it is such a peaceful feeling. Both your photo and words were wonderful. : )
foxysue said…
This is so beautiful, I can feel the vibrations from trees, wind and words,

Thank you,
Sue x
rebecca said…
lovely reminder...to quiet the mind and rediscover music in the details of life living life around us.

the wind here is teaming up the rise lifting everything in its wake like a bright flapping table cloth licking the sky with a vengeance. we seem to be stuck in the percussion section of life this morning. until the snow falls.
somepinkflowers said…
waves reaching from me
into my florida sky.
palm trees have no arms!
margaret said…
Hi Meri~ This photo is magnificent, and your imagery perfectly presents it: the color violet for spirituality, the wind for sensory hearing, the flow of movement--all the deep, symbolic suggestons of our organic selves. Love, Margaret
Anonymous said…
awesome imagery,

wind, music, nature, everything is within our reach for pleasure.


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