Some Things You Might Not Know

Some things you might not know about me:

1.  My two signature fragrances are Hanae Mori 
for daytime and St. John for special occasions.

2.  My favorite brand of shoes is Arcopedico -- pure comfort!

3.  I have an HGTV obsession and a secret crush
 on Mike Holmes. Guys who can fix things are sexy.

Photo from

4. The last book I read was The Swan Thieves 
(a fun read even if not the most erudite book on the planet).

5. The last film I saw was "I Am." 
I loved it, but I wish he hadn't scrimped on stock footage.


beth said…
i love mike, too :)
he can come to my house anytime....we actually have some drywall repairs that need to be done. i know he is so over qualified for that, but i trust him the most :)
Very cool things to know about you. Like the "handyman". Love Love love the movie. I haven't seen it. I sure will now. thank you, meri. that is my kind of film!!!

Kim Mailhot said…
It makes my soul sing to know there are movies being made about what I already know to be so true, and so many people I know have learned too. That we are all in this together. Glad to know you feel it too. ;)

(Even if I can't agree with you about Mike Holmes. He drives me insane with his know-it-all attitude, and I am a fellow Canadian ! ;0) )
*smiling* - a peek inside - love!
Ms. Becky said…
well I've learned something - never heard of the shoes, or the film, or the fragrances, or the book! I love being turned on to new things. but....I am a lover of HGTV, that's for sure. thanks for the peek, it was a lot of fun.
~JarieLyn~ said…
Meri I've never heard of those fragrances or the shoes. The movie looks great. I will watch it for sure when it comes to ON DEMAND.

You must smell really nice! :)
There's a scent that I want to buy by Gucci called Guilty. It smells really nice.
Dawn Elliott said…
I've always found men wearing tool belts to be ultra sexy - so much so that a boyfriend once took his belt along to surprise me on our trip to New Orleans!
Eryl said…
Ok, so I didn't know the shoes, the scents, the book, the handyman or the film existed! I will certainly go and see the film when/if it comes out here, and will make a mental note of the others and look out for them.
Carmen said…
i got that book "hunting and gathering" because of you and can't wait to read it

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