
This has been a strange weekend.

Went Friday night to a charming musical
called "Vanities" about women's friendships.

Saturday, encountered a web screen that said,
"You have reached the end of the internet."

WTF ???????????????

Then, for unrelated reasons, had a bit of a meltdown.

In fact, I looked pretty much like the head on the right.

After talking at length to my dear friend Rebecca
and finding comfort in her tender listening,
talking art and the kinds of workshops we're willing
and unwilling to invest in these days,
and waxing on about encaustics
(if you'll pardon the pun)
I felt like the head on the left.

Thanks, Rebecca.

The cookie dough ice cream with caramel sauce
didn't hurt, either.


beth said…
i would sit and eat that ice cream with you anytime you need someone to listen....

i can't listen on an empty stomach :)
rebecca said…
dear meri,

what struck me about our conversation was the perfect cadence of being there for each other. i loved too how we share the same gratitude for this world of blogging. how each post offers the chance to cast a line of beauty out into the world and tie hearts together in belonging.
thank you for your place in my heart, always.
Anonymous said…
sometimes our days just go like this.

happy that you have friends...dear ones, that you can bounce off your frustration and get love and support back.

~JarieLyn~ said…
Meri, I sure hope that whatever made you have a meltdown has left your environment. It sure is nice to have someone to talk to when that happens though.

Yep, that ice cream sure sounds delicious.

Hope you are doing well tonight.
meltdowns happen!

Anonymous said…
i had a meltdown yesterday. but i think for valid reasons (of course I would say that). I had had a different hair cut over the weekend and went into work... to be told by a colleague first that I look like a man, then something even worse (which I shall not repeat here). needless to say, a lot of chocolate and cake was consumed yesterday and my good friend all the way over in oregon was woken up in the middle of the night because i needed someone to talk to and grumble to :)

yay for good friends and yay for comfort food.
Elisabeth said…
The end of the internet, perish the thought. What would we bloggers do?
No I agree the ice cream is the one thing that has healing powers! Have a wonderful week! Cathy
foxysue said…
Me too, seems it must have been a meltdown weekend! Thank goodness for Monday, back to re-aligning, gratitude, and blogging beauty.

Love Sue x
deb did it said…
(((((Meri)))) this post is a lovely tribute to our dear friend, Rebecca.
I am hoping that this week will bring fresh new shiny haircuts and a couple more cartons of ice-creamy-goodness.
"This is the end of the internet" did strike me as a sort of dire warning. But I had no idea it would contribute to a 'meltdown'. So sorry it happened on my site. Very strange ...

Hope with a new week you are feeling much better!
A.Smith said…
Oh I wish I could have gotten you some Harira soup, and some comfortable space by the fireplace and some puppies' love and above all, a big and heartfelt hug.

I think that sometimes the soul needs to open a window to let the fresh air of change in and we are yet to learn, with our human thinking how to allow that without trying to find a reason.

I am here if you want my company.
I know I would love to have yours.
Karen Cole said…
Been there. Done that.
Hope things are looking brighter. We must have the down times to appreciate the up ones. Yin and yang.

Loving that head!

Hope your day is full of beautiful things.

Dawn Elliott said…
How blessed we are to have dear friends and ice cream to help us through our occasional weirdedoutness!

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