Share the Joy Thursday: Short List

What's on my JOY list today?

1. the smell of melted beeswax for encaustic work

2. the heft of a hardback book in my hands,
   especially one so well-written and engaging that
   I can't wait to turn the page.

3. seeing blue in the sky amongst the clouds

4. watching sunlight bounce off water --
in the pond behind my house


in the harbor in my quaint little town
-- or anywhere, for that matter

5.  knowing that I'm infected once again with the
    creative writing virus  after being in the doldrums

What's on your JOY list?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Anonymous said…
This gorgeous shot of Rainier looks much like Gig Harbor. I vividly remember seeing the mountain under sunny skies for the first time- on my way to climb it.

Your photo brought back all of the joy- and then some. Thanks for this.
Kim Mailhot said…
Sweet joys. I can almost smell that lovely beeswax from here.
Enjoy your sweet day, Beautiful Meri.
deb did it said… dare you make me miss the Pacific Northwest!! This post is so gorgeous that I am actually jumping for JOY here in lovely!
ellen abbott said…
watching the birds in the birdbath

being engaged in model making

a long conversation with a friend whom I haven't talked to in weeks
Anonymous said…
You have gathered a FEAST of joy here...

I just posted my current jOY!

Carmen said…
that's next in my list:
all of your books ;-)
abrazos y besitos amiguita
foxysue said…
Oh, I so want to play with that bee's wax, must take some lessons, how about a tutorial!

Keep the JOY rolling!

Sue x
lot's of beauty and joy around you , it's a gift to be able to see that , and it shows that you have a lot of beauty and joy inside of you , keep up the good work , you made me smile :)
nice camera by the way .
sweet pea. said…
thanks for stopping by =)
Dawn Elliott said…
Every one of your pictures brought me joy just now! Beautifully done, Meri!
Reya Mellicker said…
The mountain is incredible in that picture of the harbor. Wow!!

Love your haiku, too. xx

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