Share the Joy Thursday: Hello and Hugs

I'm struggling to figure out what JOY
I want to share with you this week.

Does it seem to you like things are
more than a little bit complicated
right now? It does to me.

So I'd just like to give you a big wave
and some virtual (((((hugs))))))))

and tell you from the bottom of my heart
that reading your blogs and learning
your takes on life, love, light and darkness
fills me with JOY.

What gives you JOY?
To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


foxysue said…
It's lovely that you can be waving and sending hugs from your corner of the globe and I can collect them right here on-line, it brings me such JOY. Yes at times life can seem complex and all we can do is 'be', that's enough though for the moment, because the next moment we will 'be' something else. It all comes round and round like spring following winter!

Big hugs to you Meri,

Sue x
Carmen said…
you are honoring that saying:
when you have lemons make limonade
muchos abrazos y besitos para ti amiguita mia!
Laura said…
visiting you and viewing your wonderful collage has brought me joy today Meri! Thank you!
A.Smith said…
Back at you girlfriend. My Joy today?
That B. is home, the bleeding slowed down, knowing you are to come down and visit soon I hope, and that the ice on my upper arm is trying hard to keep the pain away.

Sending you some of the little sunshine that is playing hide and seek here with a big hug.
Well thanks Meri, dear. I love your colorful image and your sweet words. Seeing your creativity and your vibrant colors makes me joyful as well. I forgot to link up so I am here now!
rebecca said…
i did check in many times this morning for a cuppa jOy. but alas i had to sail on off to the studio before your jOY catcher was posted.

i had a day to end all days and feel as if i have been hit by a mac truck. visiting the jOy links has been grat healing manna to my soul.

thank you meri
tami said…
i thought i had missed this week - so JOYful to come home and find i didn't : )
Anonymous said…
A most enjoyable post.
I send you wishes of joy too.

Have a nice day, Boonie
Anonymous said…
thanks for adding me here. i am glad you did.

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