In Celebration of Mardi Gras

In places all over the world
where Christians observe Lent 
and there is an expectation
of giving something up for several weeks
(to commemorate Jesus's period
of prayer and fasting prior to the Crucifixion),
the day before Ash Wednesday is
often the height of revelry and excess
before the period of restraint and sacrifice begins.

In New Orleans, the raucous festival
is known as Mardi Gras.
In Venice and Rio, it's known as Carnavale. 
And as you can imagine,
it's a playground for photographers.

Celebrate Ruby Tuesday
along with Mardi Gras.

Venice, I'm there in spirit!


It looks as though the spirits are with you too! :-)


“Oh, my goodness, oh, my dear!
Don’t you think it’s very clear
That a red-less day’s a drag?”
Said Ms. Foxy Scarlet Hag.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Lazy Days
deb did it said…
and Meri, I am with you too!
Anonymous said…
I'm in Pueblo visiting my dad and they have a huge fat Tuesday party.

Just got back from DANCING and catfish gumbo...

Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!

ellen abbott said…
my parents had friends who lived in New Orleans and we went for Mardi Gras. He was an artist with a studio in the french quarter. This was back when they had night parades in the quarter with flamboes and the beads were glass from the then Chechoslavakia. They were quite beautiful. Oh how I wish I still had some of those today. All they throw now are those cheap plastic gold, green and purple ones.
Ms. Becky said…
great photos. I especially like that last one.
Dawn Elliott said…
I just made a post about observing Lent this year, even though I'm not Catholic. I love the idea of being mindful of all we have, and giving something up for a time...
Nanka said…
Lovely pictures and we have it here too in Goa!! Fun day before lent and you have expressed it wonderfully!!
Lesley said…
I've never been to mardi gras or carnavale, but it always looks like great fun. love the masked figures.

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