Share the Joy Thursday: Laundry Lines

I can't explain it, but for some reason
the sight of laundry 
hanging on a line delights me. 

Like this shot in Venice

or this one in Egypt.

Perhaps it's the memory of my mother
pinning the wet clothes to the line 
with wooden clothespins. 

Or the way I remember sheets smelling
when they were dried outdoors.

I also have a thing for windows,
especially ones with unexpected pops of color.
And it certainly doesn't count as a handicap
if they're windows in Venice.

What delights you? Gives you JOY?
Won't you share it with us?

To play along:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!



rebecca said…
moving their colours like gypsy wind dancers.

Oh, I totally agree about the laundry! Everywhere I go, I'm looking for laundry. Rebecca calls them "gypsy wind dancers." I call them prayer flags. Either way, joyful!
GlorV1 said…
That's why I hang my clothes in the Spring and Summer. I love to smell them, watch them sway and folding them is fun. Great post and photos. That's one of my favorites things to do besides painting, hanging clothes. Have a great rest of the week.
Love to see laundry swaying in the breeze. The reflections of the laundry on the line in Egypt make that picture.
I agree. Laundry hanging means community, life moving and people taking time to dry their clothes out in the sun and the breeze. I love to see colorful garments dancing in the wind. Love your windows in Venice. I remember the windows in Ireland, so beautiful. Lovely Meri! I accidentally linked twice, so you can get ride of one. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Air dried sheets are the best! after a long day at work, seeing your blog has given me joy this evening and I thank you.

Jenny F from Ladybugcircus
foxysue said…
The bliss of noticing beauty in the everyday is a treasure!

Word Verification for this comment is
'exoti' wonderful,

Sue x
ellen abbott said…
I love window boxes full of flowers.
Carmen said…
and the fresh smell is delicioso!
deb did it said…
Oh Meri, you have hit my JOY button today with know I am such a clothesline whore. I love all the comments here...gypsy wind dancers, prayer flags, community, nostalgia. Oh my heart is all a fluttering like the laundry on the line!Your photos are fantabulous
Bee said…
I especially like the picture of the Egyptian clothes line. The reflections in the water are gorgeous.

I never hung out clothes until I moved to England . . . but they often have to be rescued from the sudden squalls.
Elizabeth said…
I love clotheslines, too, and really appreciate your homage to them!

I had to laugh when you chastised me over on Allegra's blog about "the greatest healthcare system in the world." I was immediately embarrassed that anyone would think I was serious -- even someone that I don't know! Anyway, I saw that Allegra told you who I really am and now I've visited your beautiful blog!

Take care!
Design It Chic said…
The pictures are so beautiful! I especially love those amazing windows. So pretty! I just landed here and I am now following your cute blog;)
Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and have a great time:) See you there!
Happy Friday
Anonymous said…
Yes, Clotheslines are full of recollections... Simple times, warm days, bees buzzing a flight beneath bonnet and undies.

'Tis a lost art... the way our society now hangs out their dirty laundry too. Politicians ALL use laundrymats.

The rest of us wait, wondering what soils we'll see, should they be brought to light by accident.
eb said…
laundry on the line
and clothes pins too...
oh Meri
this post
brings me joy!

xox - eb.

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