Haiku My Heart: Orchid

For more Haiku My Heart, click HERE

Shadow Blush © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

blush spreads magenta
across her porcelain cheeks
demure flirtation


Haiku and image make a perfect pairing Meri.
Nanka said…
Beautifully done Haiku, love the magenta blush on porcelain cheeks!!
Anonymous said…
such a gorgeous orchid...and haiku
A little flirting is good for the soul!
Marilyn & Jeff said…
Sp perfect, your words and your image. So much to clelebrate in this world.
This is simply stunning, Meri. Your flower vies with anything Georgia O'Keefe ever did. Beautiful color and lighting. So fragile yet so bold. Love the haiku!
Annie Jeffries said…
The sunlit shadow creates a bit of a wink. Sweet.
Grammy said…
That is both beautiful and dear, : )
rebecca said…
i imagine our days were equally long!! just home and visiting everyone with great pleasure.
your haiku and photograph are gorgeous inspiration.

thank you dear friend..
Anonymous said…
Beautiful image. Thanks for sharing.

All the best, Boonie
foxysue said…
Your images are always so relaxing to the eye, just what we need, have a good weekend.

Sue x
ms pie said…
meri as if one could reach out and touch the beauty... orchids never seize to amaze me.. the design, the beauty, the delicate nature of life... love the idea of a flower blushing...
Hi Meri~ I can just see the delicate fan flutter across her face, demure eyes cast down... Your haiku is so imaginative and lovely! I admire your photography, too. The orchid is a crystal-clear macro with a dreamy, hazy background. Loved this post!
Ruth said…
I love the Asian feel of this. Lovely!

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