Share the Joy: Some Little Things

What inspired JOY in me this week?

Using my talents to help a project I believe in,
one that will benefit the art museum
and the community as a whole.

We're working on a redesign of the entry areas,
plus partnering with the city to make
the downtown corridor more pedestrian-friendly,
beautiful and welcoming.

Hearing the latest Logan-isms from my son,
his daddy.

Scheduling studio time to work with encaustics.

How about you?

What's on your JOY list?

To play along and share the joy:

1. do a post that tells and shows us what gives you joy.

2. capture the URL of the specific post 
and paste it into the Mr. Linky box 
along with your name.

3. visit other players -- as many as possible -- 
and let their joy infect you.  
Leave them a comment about their post.
Let's start an epidemic of joy!


Annie Jeffries said…
My joy list this week is one BIG thing. I have divested myself of so much material stuff that I'm now at a point where I am organizing what is left. And. AND! To that end, the Hubs has agreed to some furniture changes. The first furniture changes in 13 years. Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!
Annie Jeffries said…
Meri, just thought I would mention that Mr. Linky isn't connecting. Of course, now that I've actually sent you a message here, it will no doubt make a liar out of me. LOL
tami said…
Studio time - how lovely! And Logan-isms - how sweet. I hope your JOY continues throughout the week!
Kim Mailhot said…
This is a great list, Meri ! David and I use Katie-isms all the time - words from the wisdom of my three year old niece, Katie. Those are a definitely joy in my world too.
Congrats on the fine work with the museum.
I hope the joy continues through the rest of the week.
Anonymous said…
sunshine, sunshine, sunshine - and this wonderful quote from soul aperture's blog today:
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields...Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness."
— Mary Oliver
ellen abbott said…
a kiln full of castings (hope they came out good)

fields of evening primrose

clear water in the pond
Carmen said…
your encustics are awesome to my eyes
Elizabeth said…
I get joy from nature
and our grandson
and making art
and looking at little tiny things! greetings from NY
Anonymous said…
my JOY daughter has the day off and is in town so I am taking the rest of the day PLAY in the sunshine!
julochka said…
thank you for including me in the joy. :-) i'm interested in your encaustics...i've been pondering them myself, but don't really know how to get started, tho' i did acquire some wax. just what i need, another medium.

hope you have a joyful day!
Eryl said…
Love your encaustics. I met a lady recently who loves everything to do with bees, she keeps hives, makes honey and all number of other products from the honey and recently got into encaustic art. She was one of the happiest people I've ever talked to: a joy to be sure.

Wonderful to be able to use your talent to benefit the community, good luck with that project.

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