
This time, when I'm talking about Bric-a-Brac
I'm not talking about
the things I find in my browsing trips. . .

not old medicine bottles

or vintage children's toys

or piles of stars

or even tons of candle jars.

A few days ago,
I mentioned the new-to-me group
I discovered called Bric-a-Brac.
And I captured their sound
on video -- a first for me--
and then I uploaded it on YouTube
because I didn't know how to load a video
directly on blogger.
So here goes. . . .


Cheryl said…
Hi Meri, it says the video is private so I can't see it. I like your other photos though.
Annie Jeffries said…
Hi Meri. The video is marked private. I think you just need to go into YouTube and update it from private to public. Hopefully, that will fix it.
Annie Jeffries said…
That did the trick, Meri. I enjoyed that. Thanks.
Relyn Lawson said…
Oh! you are awesome. And, I have to say, I am DYING to go shopping with you. Especially for old medicine bottles. It's been so long since I've been around the blog block. First, I couldn't get my comments to take anywhere. Then, it was end of the school year rush. Anyway. I wanted to wish you a happy, happy summer and tell you I've missed you.
tami said…
SO awesome!! Love it, love it : )

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