Haiku My Heart: Another Basho

Satsuki hototogisu (Cuckoo - May) by Koryusai Isoda (1762 - 1788)
from Library of Congress Japanese Print collection
LC-DIG-jpd-02731 (digital file from original print) 

Even in Kyoto,
how I long for Kyoto
when the cuckoo sings.

 - Bashö


Ramesh Sood said…
Thank You!!!

This is a lovely Haiku..

Spadoman said…
I wish I had a better understanding of poetry. I take this as the desire to be in Kyoto at a certain time of year. But it could have another meaning. I'm not sure. The words and image are beautiful regardless and I believe I don't have to fully understand to appreciate it.
Thanks for the post.
Anonymous said…
happy Mothers day to you Meri!
Expat From Hell said…
What a great haiku post! Makes me think of what Kyoto really meant to Basho. And how places like that are in our hearts and minds continually, even when we are actually there. Now I am thinking of how many Kyotos are in my heart and soul....thanks for that. EFH
Even when we are in the place that we love, we always long in our hearts to see it in a different way ~ the way we perceived it in memory. Perhaps Basho had just such a memory of Spring in Kyoto. It is a lovely haiku and post Meri.
When Basho
writes his little songs,
I listen.
Another good capture, Meri! We can have a sense of unfulfilled longing in the midst of common surroundings when we're triggered. Love ☺
rebecca said…
to love beyond measure and have room for more adoration,
pulls at the contours of my heart.

thank you for this meri,
this call out for love to spill over all our edges!
Anonymous said…
i think the beauty of poetry is that it is open to interpretation.
gma said…
I am not sure if I've ever heard a cuckoo sing other than on a clock.
I'd love to hear one sing especially in Kyoto.Wouldn't that be something?
Happy Mother's Day dearest Meri.
Rosie Gan said…
Wow, even a haiku-novice like me can tell that this is what haiku is all about...leaving the reader feeling a tingle at the feelings evoked, a longing that is quite subtle yet tangible.
rebecca said…
dear one,

may your day spill over with love, to the moon and back.

we are all in the garden,
where a vision awaits you...

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