Self Portrait: Aging

It's hard to look at pictures of yourself
and see those signs of aging

that you try to ignore
when you look in the mirror (briefly).

So it's good to discover that RAW format
allows you to move the clarity slider
to the soft side.

It makes a multitude of sins
more bearable.


A.Smith said…
"The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune" and hidden within each wrinkle my dear, is a treasure of experience and beauty that no smooth surface could ever compare with.
Kim Mailhot said…
Oh, those eyes. They are what I see.Beautiful and so full of life, love and light.
heckle said…
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I see a beautiful charming face..........
Hope your weekend is great

The French Hutch
ellen abbott said…
I solved that problem by have a small antique stained mirror in my bathroom with a dim light.
Dawn Elliott said…
Beautifully written, Meri. I find we need to look at the big picture and never let ourselves pick apart our aging features. Most other people don't judge us for our looks - we're so much more than that!
rebecca said…
i love you meri...
how fortunate am i to have looked into and been received by your beautiful eyes.
Eryl said…
I will have to practise that trick!
deb did it said…
oh my god...that last photo is stunning.YOU are beautiful....
Leslie said…
i know what you mean... yet when i look at these photos of you i see such beauty.

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